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문학(소설)/영미 소설

나니아 연대기 1권 - 마법사의 조카 줄거리

There were Polly and Digory and they were neighbors next door to each other. After founding a tunnel to forbidden study of Uncle Andrew at Digory's house, they used to go there regularly in secret, but Andrew noticed their presence. He gave a Yellow Ring to Polly. She touched by mistake (Andrew warned to her but it's was late!!) and she was vanished in an instant.

Andrew who is the great scholar, the magician, the adept said that she went to another place and said these commands. "If someone else would go after her, wearing a Yellow Ring himself and taking two Green Rings, one to bring himself back and one to bring her back." Digory followed them and his journey has been started.

Digory and Polly met again in first place, where the wood just keeps growing. Despite Uncle Andrew gave them a wrong instruction related to Rings, they went to other place. They were in sort of courtyard among the buildings in dark weather. They wandered all over inside the building and found a strange room. Ignoring the warning, they struck the golden bell with the hammer. And then one of the figures in that room rose up from the chair. They awaked the Queen Jadis with broken-spell!! But she who talked about her past seemed always not to be favorable. Children found the cruelness (because she slayed all life of the Charn and became a Queen.) and thirst for revenge about her enemies. Digory and Polly wanted to be released from her hands.

However, the Queen(or the Witch) chased them importunately until the Uncle Andrew's room in London. Andrew greeted formally to the Queen but her attitude toward man was very firm so he stammered. She drove out Uncle Andrew and started to harass toward Aunt Letty who called police through housemaid. And then they came to the situated place. And in the meantime, Polly didn't remember events in a wood and building of Charn. Anyway, the crowd including policemen, Digory and Polly tried to expel the Witch on the horse back. The battle was at the lamp-post. And all they except policemen were sent to other place. There was a Lion whose name is Aslan. He was singing to make brighter world. This was the beginning of the Kingdom of Narnia.

The animals could speak after that. The Lion set first throne to the Cabby and his wife as a first King and Queen of Narnia and planted a tree that the runaway Witch would not dare to approach in Narnia. Aslan gave a horse new name "Fledge" and made him having wings. He sent away two children on Fledge's back to the garden where a tree of magic apple to heal Digory’s mother is. He ordered to bring it back to him.

The center of the garden, there was a tree of magic fruits. Despite of order to take of my fruit for others on the gold gate, Digory put an apple in his pocket with eager mind. And they met the Witch who already ate an apple. She said that is the apple of youth and life. She already tasted and she would never grow old or die so she tempted to him to eat. How about his mother? The Witch said that he must go beside to his mother in earth with his magic and give to her, not go back to the Lion. But they didn't listen to her saying and brought and showed the apple to Aslan.

He praised Digory's behavior and courage. He ordered to throw the apple towards the river bank where the ground is soft. At that point, the apple tree started to grow. And then all crowd had the coronation of King Frank and Helen his Queen of Narnia. And the fate of Uncle Andrew and the Witch? I commend on your further reading.

Digory and Polly went back to the earth with an apple which was newly picked from grown tree. He gave it to his mother and she recovered completely. Digory buried the core of the Apple in the back garden. And with Polly he also buried all the magic rings. The seed became a tree which is going to be a material for wardrobe of Second Narnia story.

Even though Lewis didn't intent the story from Bible, the Magician's Nephew has some symbolism with Genesis. The garden that Digory and Polly visited is similar to the garden of Aden. Each of them has a tree whose fruit would make humans brighter and wiser. The Witch tempted Digory, like the attitude of the snake toward Eve. And Aslan,, almosts knows, can be a symbol of God who made the earth with His words. Aslan made Narnia with singing.

Through this journey that I enjoyed, I didn't feel any difficulties or barrier to understand the whole story. The level of vocabulary is not so hard. The reason that why I chose Narnia is this entire series is one of required books for 3rd or 4th grade. Yes, my reading level is that ground.

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