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문학(소설)/영미 소설

나니아 연대기 2권 - 사자, 마녀, 그리고 옷장 줄거리

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, four brothers and sisters were sent to the house of Professor Digory's house. While looking around his huge house everywhere, children found a wardrobe which was only in empty room. Lucy opened the door of wardrobe and that was the way to Narnia. Unlike the First Story of Narnia, the weather was winter so she might need extra coat from wardrobe. Anyway, Lucy entered to the wood of Narnia with curious eyes and met Faun named Tumnus. He was so kind to her but he confessed that it was a trick for the White Witch to sacrifice Lucy. And he also told that because of her reign, this land keeps snow falling. Fortunately he could let her go and return to the earth without any trouble.

Lucy told the story to others but no one believed. Few days later, four children played hide and seek. In this time, Edmund ran into the wardrobe by accident and he found the way to Narnia. He met the Queen. She said that she want a nice boy whom she could bring up as a Prince and who would be King of Narnia when she gone. Later, she said that Edmund is suitable for Prince and she suggested him to keep it secret between them. But he said everything to Lucy whom met nearby the lamp-post. He found that was the White Witch who reigns over Narnia with severe weather and firstly mentioned by Tumnus. Lucy said that she is so cruel to all and has no right to reign this land.

And few later days, all four children finally got into Narnia. Lucy led the way to the Tumnus' cave, but it was late. He got arrested by Captain of the Secret Police belong to the White Witch because of harbouring spices and fraternising with Humans. They decided to rescue him but they had no idea to deal with it. Along the way, they met Beaver. They all was not sure about that every creature they met is nice to them or not. I mean on the their side or the enemy. Beaver said that he met Tumnus before he was arrested, and Aslan has probably landed on Narnia. Children importunately questioned to the Beaver about the whereabouts of Tumnus and the true nature about Aslan. While his speaking, Edmund was suddenly disappeared.

Like other children, he ate dinner at Mr and Mrs. Beaver's house but he didn't satisfy with it because of the eager of Turkish Delights that the White Witch gave him before. He wanted to become a Prince and later a King according to the promise with her. He reached to the small castle where the house of the White Witch is. She was unpleasant with his saying and turned her attitude toward him so harshly, not like kindness of first impression. At the same time, rest of three children received weapons and armors from Father Christmas to fight against the White Witch and save Edmund who betrayed them. And all they met Aslan, the Creator of Narnia. Because of his advent, the weather started turning into spring.

Edmund was rescued and the Witch was captured to Aslan. After the negotiation between the the Witch and the Lion, she killed innocent him instead of releasing Edmund. But under the fact that the innocent one who died for sinner can revival from the dead, Aslan rose again!! This is a Deep Magic that the Witch did not know. Aslan and four children went to her castle. He made all statues (because of the spell of the Witch) to live again and released prisoners including Tumnus. After the fighting against with desperate horrible creatures, finally the Witch was defeated. Four children became Kings and Queens of Narnia and they reigned this country over decades. But by returning to wardrobe, the time of the earth was almost just flew few minutes so they were no longer Kings and Queens, they were just children, themselves. The Prof. Digory seemed to know about Narnia, through the conversation between them and said that it is going to keep in secret to others. According to his saying, this is only the beginning of the adventures of Narnia.

Again, the Bible motive came out. As you know, Aslan reminds us Jesus Christ. The most thing that I felt from this book is, we are tend to be tempted instant sweet things like Edmund did. That seems to be good to us but if you find the reality of that, nobody is hard to be escaped. And this story also tells about the promotion of virtue and reproval of vice. That means, a good-hearted one may receive the blessings, and the evil one may receives the punishment.

Because of the most popularity among Narnia series, I really enjoyed the story more than previous work.

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