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문학(소설)/영미 소설

나니아 연대기 4권 - 캐스피언 왕자 줄거리

A year later from the last scene of <The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe>, same four children were at the train station to back to school. But suddenly they were summoned to uninhabited island and found a castle. Peter concluded (with four points) that this place is the ruins of Cair Paravel where they were lived as Kings and Queens in Narnia. Others disagreed first time but later they accepted the fact seeing some visual evidence.

They rescued the Dwarf from the water. He is a messenger of King Caspian who is the Tenth King of Narnia. He told about him from his childhood when he was a prince. Caspian said to his uncle, Miraz, the King of Narnia about past days of this country which was told by the Nurse. But the King expressed unpleasant feeling. Because of this, the nurse was sent away and a Tutor came to teach the Prince. He was Doctor Cornelius and he did not much talk about old history of Narnia.

One day, he led the Caspian to the very top of the Great tower which was forbidden to him before. At that place, the Doctor told that everything heard from the Nurse is true. And then the Prince found that the Doctor is a half-Dwarf and has human blood in him, too. He asked the Prince to gather learned magicians and try to find a way of awaking the trees, living Faun's, Talking Beasts or Dwarfs. For few years, he learned many things to be qualified and become a King. And because of dangerous position, Caspian left the castle with Cornelius' assistance. And his journey has started with a purse of gold and a horn of Queen Susan. Doctor said that whoever blow horn shall have strange help. Despite of assistance of Dwarfs, Caspian was forced into a problem so he blew the horn. This is the reason that Peter and other brothers and sisters were summoned into Narnia once again.

After the Dwarf's saying (messenger from Caspian), four children decided to join with Prince Caspian. After a sleep for a little while except Lucy, she said that she saw the Lion, Aslan. Susan and Peter didn't believe that. But Lucy was true. Everybody met and talked with him. He awakened and raised all creatures of Narnia. Meanwhile, Caspian and others had some emotional crash. Fortunately, Peters was capable to arrive and calm down this situation. All creatures were involved for battle and Caspian suggested Miraz to fight against to each other. The victory went to Caspian and Old Narnians and Caspian became a new King of Narnia. In final, four children returned to their world. For the reference, Peter and Susan is not able to come Narnia again because of their old age.

Lucy is the youngest sister among four children. Her judgment and seeing was always right. In second book, she found the way to Narnia at first, and in this book, she also found and talked with Aslan earlier than others who did not believe. The Heaven belongs to pure-hearted children, according to the scripture of New Testimony. Believing in and accepting Jesus Christ doesn't have to be doubted or measured with human being's cunning knowledge. We all need the faith as Simon Peter who threw fishnet in deep sea without any hesitation.

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